Archives for May 2014

Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program Report (May 2014)

In 2005 the United States Congress directed the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to develop the Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP). The program provided more than $25 million in contract authority to four pilot communities and counties: Columbia, Missouri; Marin County, California; the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, and Sheboygan County, Wisconsin. Funds were directed to be used for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and non-motorized facility programs.

Initial results appear promising: From 2007 to 2013, the pilot communities observed an estimated 22.8 percent increase in the number of walking trips and an estimated 48.3 percent increase in the number of bicycling trips.

In May 2014 a status report was issued on the NTPP: Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program: Continued Progress in Developing Walking and Bicycling Networks. )  The report summarizes the progress and results of the NTPP from August 2005 through December 2013, and examines how the NTPP pilot communities provide examples to other communities interested in implementing and evaluating nonmotorized investments.

This report analyzes the results through December 2013 of the NTPP in terms of program implementation, transportation mode shift toward walking and bicycling and associated improvements pertaining to access and mobility, safety and public health, and the environment and energy.

Visit this page for more about the Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP).