Energy Use and Environmental Protection


Transportation and Environment Factsheet
4/24/1996   Transportation and the EnvironmentTransportation investments, services and incentives should meet our travel needs, promote economic prosperity and environmental justice, preserve and protect open space, scenic resources and agricultural land, protect and enhance the integrity of natural resource systems and wild places and improve air and water quality.
Energy and Climate Change Factsheet
4/1/2003   Transportation and Climate ChangeAmerica’s reliance on the automobile has adversely affected our climate and influenced our foreign policy. .
Examples From Ten Years of Progress
3/19/2000   Ten Years Of Progress—Examples include Enhancing Health, Safety, and Security, Conserving Energy and Enhancing the Environment, Creating Equitable and Livable Communities, and Promoting Economic Prosperity.
Second Nature: Improving Transportation Without Putting Nature Second
4/22/2003  Second Nature—The United States is approaching a crossroads; unimpeded urbanization may soon collide with the limits of our country’s natural resources. The rate of this urbanization surpasses population growth, and threatens to overwhelm previous victories in environmental protection.
Transportation and Biodiversity Factsheet
10/29/2002   Transportation and Biodiversity Report—Transportation and the sprawling development it encourages has been recognized as a primary cause of habitat loss and a subsequent decline in biodiversity.
The CMAQ Program: Funding Cleaner Air
1/30/2003   The CMAQ Program—More than $2 Billion of Unused Potential—The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program (CMAQ) was created under ISTEA in 1991. Lawmakers established the innovative program to help fund regional and local efforts to achieve compliance with national air quality standards set under the Clean Air Act.
Transportation Project Delays
9/19/2002   Transportation Project Delays—Recent reports from the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials suggest that problems with transportation project delays will not be solved by diluting widely-supported environmental laws.