Traffic Fatalities Involving Older Adults 2003 to 2012

According to a March NHTSA publication, Traffic Safety Facts 2012 Data: Older Population, in 2012, there were 5,560 people 65 and older killed and 214,000 injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes. These older people made up 17 percent of all traffic fatalities and 9 percent of all people injured in traffic crashes during the year.

Compared to 2011, fatalities among people 65 and older and injured people in this age group increased by 16 percent…

“…[A]mong the 65-and-older age group from 2003 to 2012, pedalcyclist fatalities increased by 80 percent (males increased by 83% and females by 50%)… [In this age group, total pedestrian fatalities decreased by 5 percent during this time, however male pedestrian fatalities increased by 6 percent while female fatalities decreased by 16 percent.]”

Download Traffic Safety Facts 2012 Data: Older Population